
Herman Miller Ubi Work Tools

Product Story

Any work area takes an active role in supporting what people do when they add items from the Ubi Work Tools portfolio. Individuals can arrange – and rearrange – the portfolio’s assortment of tools to suit their personal preferences and workstyles. Based on research into organising principles, the designs give people a new and richer experience of working.

Designed for the person

We created Ubi Work Tools around an understanding of people. In support of each individual’s work essentials and lifestyle items and informed by the way people move and operate within their workspace, Ubi Work Tools provide a rich experience for the individual.

Suited for many styles

Depending on one’s owned items and the tasks being performed, the individual can assemble Ubi Work Tools accordingly. Whether a workspace is owned or used on a drop-in basis, the portfolio allows each individual to feel at home while in the office and receive support for work activities that further efficiency.

Zoned for optimal placement

With an understanding of how compact spaces can feel efficient and supportive, the designers at Observatory developed the Ubi Work Tools portfolio with optimal placement in mind. The portfolio allows the individual to maintain spatial efficiency and visual hierarchy within his or her work area while contributing to a sense of ownership.

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